The Rolling Clones were born on the corner of Armitage and Halstead at Nick’s in the early 1990’s. A well-known financial analyst used to frequent Nick’s on Friday afternoons after battling the financial markets all week. This analyst would come into Nick’s looking for a few pints, a few laughs, and lots of Rolling Stones songs on the jukebox. The problem was that this particular analyst faced a major nemesis in the bartender who had very little tolerance for Rolling Stones songs on the jukebox. This friday afternoon drama is captured brilliantly in the video Start Me Up.
The analyst would later go on to marry a lovely and talented musician who he met at Nick’s. At a backyard party in 1999, this couple would play their first gig as the Rolling Clones. From this humble beginning, the band has played at various clubs in Chicago (Subterrean, The Blue Note, Martys’). The Clones have also played in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Charlottesville Virginia. The Rolling Clones have evolved into an eight piece band that includes a tenor saxophone player which captures the fun and energy of the world’s greatest Rock and Roll Band – the Rolling Stones.